David McCalden

Exiles from History

By David McCalden. The exciting field of Psychohistory has opened up vast new opportunities for those in search of enlightenment on the origins of contemporary social problems. Exiles From History examines the synchronicity of events and attitudes throughout the history of one particular social group: the Jews.

So far, the few studies in this area have been written by Jews themselves. David McCalden, who is not Jewish, draws on these studies to show that many of them have been clouded by the subjectivity of their authors.



By David McCalden. The exciting field of Psychohistory has opened up vast new opportunities for those in search of enlightenment on the origins of contemporary social problems. Exiles From History examines the synchronicity of events and attitudes throughout the history of one particular social group: the Jews.

So far, the few studies in this area have been written by Jews themselves. David McCalden, who is not Jewish, draws on these studies to show that many of them have been clouded by the subjectivity of their authors.

He suggests that the phenomenon of “anti-Semitism” is not in fact something that is generated by non-Jews and directed against Jews, but is in reality a Jewish internal phenomenon based on Jewish self-hate, and then projected onto non-Jews in order to avoid facing up to it and therapeutically dealing with it.

He argues that Jewish self-hate is the root of Jewish paranoia, which in turn leads to Jewish megalomania — always wanting to be in charge and in control for fear of what might otherwise happen … On a global scale, this neurosis leads to profound injustice for innocent people such as the Palestinians, and if allowed to go unhealed, could well lead to a World War Three.

In this profound and timely study, David McCalden sympathetically examines the Jewish neurosis down through the ages. He traces their obsession with “Holocausts” and “gas ovens” back to Biblical myths.

He illustrates his thesis with in-depth psychological appraisals of three towering Jewish personalities who have left a significant mark on modern thought: Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, and Sigmund Freud. He goes on to epistemologically examine the movements these men have spawned: Communism and Psychotherapy, and shows how these movements even today bear all the imprints of their originators’ neuroses.

In the last part of this study, David McCalden highlights modern Jewish behavior patterns which fit the mold of Jewish neurosis with an uncanny synchronicity, with chapters on: Sex, Power, and Holocausts.

In his final summary, he provides a possible explanation for Jewish psychological dysfunctions, and suggests a series of “models” whereby one can recognize the various manifestations of the Jewish neurosis. He suggests a solution; a solution which not only will head off a reaction of real anti-Semitism, but which could very well head off World War Three.




Karl Marx

Leon Trotsky


Sigmund Freud




The Holocaust


Source Notes

About the author: David McCalden (1951–1990) was a British nationalist politician who, after moving to the US, became a co-founder of the Institute for Historical Review.

115 pages. Paperback.

Additional information

Weight 5.42 oz
Dimensions 6 × 0.24 × 9 in

David McCalden

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